Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Pheeeew.Tired.Had been working for 6 days.Anyway,this is the melacca trip post i promised to blog.Read it,treasure it.

Having cousins around is fun.2 weeks back we just organised a trip to Melacca.I can tell you,Melacca now not only has the boring Red House,but a lot of different and newly built entertainments as well!
GO TO MELACCA NOW.You wont regret,except the big hot sun.
10 of us.Reached there in the evening.
For the first day:
  • Seafood (the clams sucked!They are not fully cooked.Yuckss!Unlike the clams in Italiannies.)
  • Clubbing (but went into uncle's type club.Shit)
  • Yamcha
  • Actually planned to go to watch car drifters outside a stadium.But they were not there.

For the second day:
  • THE VERY FAMOUS 牛腩面(2nd branch in PJ)
  • Red house
  • Boat riding NEW
  • Menara Taming Sari tower NEW
  • Cendol eating
  • Shopping in Dataran Pahlawan
  • Jonker Walk
  • Camwhore in front of the small ferris wheel and the blue bridge NEW
  • Satay Celup
  • 泡溫泉﹗﹗﹗ NEW!!!
i like this photo.Thanks to Li's sunglasses from taiwan.I looked cool XD
Like this too!My bro quite pro in taking artistic photo man.
8 of us.Wooden wheel in front of the river.They are making this place to look like Viena.

Boat riding.5 ringgit 2 ways ride.
Me and my entao cousin,Boon Hong.Cendol time.

This is the Menara Taming Sari tower.It is new.Only 10 ringgit once.It can take up to 66 ppl each time.The whole seat will turn 360 slowly when it goes up.You could have the scenery and view of Melacca.Cool.

How cool it is.That is the big SHIP.

Camwhoring time.Nice nice nice?Couldn't believe this is Melacca right.

My funny cousin bro,Ricky.Satay celup time!!!

For the third day:
  • DIM SUM (super cheap!oni RM1.80 per plate.In KL?sorry...)
  • Tan Kim Hock products.Tan Kim Hock himself was there o.O
  • If you still remember Sejarah,we went to Malaysia's first chinese temple,青雲亭,and other temples too.

That's all about my 3 days trip to Melacca!We actually had many plans incomplete.Dear friends,go to Melacca one day.You will get NEW experience!!
GTG.Sleeping time.Will be working in Celebrity Fitness in One U tomorrow.Goodnight.


Anonymous said...

wow~~go malacca
how come i dont know when u going de
so geng a

-cs- said...

WTH, it's so different from my trip to malacca!!!!DAMN!!!


Jade W. said...

hello. what red house thing?that building is historical OK? *laughs* anyways, u look good in all ur pics! =)

Anonymous said...

i love the ferris wheel...
it is so nice...
n i miss satay celup as well...

Anonymous said...

yan:Cause i didnt inform u all purposely ma.I went with cousins.

CS:Noobhead king!Blog about ur trip le.I wanna see how different is urs n mine.

Jade:Hahahaha,coz my impression towards melacca is,red house.Anyway thanks for praising.

teng:yea,satay celup sedap..the ferris wheel actually very small oni.

Anonymous said...

wooo..mlc nice nice nice!
and, nie, got ppl tell u tat, u slim down lotz?!

Anonymous said...

anjiao:Wow u r back from Bali!how was it?Fun lerrrr sexy ah u..i really duno which part u r fat...and i really look slim?maybe is angle prob u knw,coz i stil got tummy..=(