Tuesday, May 20, 2008


They are back in KL!Most of the local/private universities now having break and most of them are back here from sabah,penang,singapore!

So last friday Xiao Chen the siu lai lai,Li En a.k.a Zan Leh Un,Sook Onn who disappeared-last-year and me decided to have a small gathering at One U.Others are not free to join so end up only 4 of us.It's good to meet them again after a long time.

For the 4 of us,we were the loudspeakers in class during form 6 school time.I used to have a group of 4 crazy and sweet close friends during form4/5 too.I appreciate our friendship from both of these crazy gangs very much.

Sook Onn and me.We had our lunch at Italiannies.She slimmed down a lot and looks nice.Sook Onn was my favourite "neighbour" since lower 6 to upper 6.She sat beside me and we used to talk a lot about many things in class.She really is a good listener and good advisor.You wont get bored to talk to her because she was born to be a JOKER.She knows many things as well!I really appreciate her and i used to be very down when she "disappeared" last year.

Xiao Chen and Li En used to sit in front of me and sook onn during form 6.They are very very talkative.Both of them are very smart and excellent in studies.The 4 of us always talk nonstop in the class,kepoh-ing,gossiping,teasing,giving supports to each other.BUT we sometimes get caught talking by Mr.tan seng wah and Maths teacher.Miss those days man.. XC is studying in NUS now while li en is in UPM.

The drinks we ordered.Nice colour combination.The bread.

Food in Italiannies is so tasty and yummy.We ordered a combo set.While waiting for food,we talked nonstop again,about studies,love life,boyfriends,diet,family etc etc..

Nice pizza!

Ouuuuh this is greaaat!People who hate seafood like me,started to love seafood very much now..go try it,you wont regret..

Can you imagine the 4 of us spent few hours in Italiannies?We noticed that many people who came in later than us,stepped out earlier than us.I don't mind,because i really do not know when will be our next gathering again after this.Better talk and chat more if there is a chance!And of course,photosss!
After lunch,we went shopping.Call us shopping queens because we didn't realise that it's already 6 something when we finished shopping!But we had a lot of fun and i really treasured the time we spent together.
Went home happily after shopping.It's great to meet the 3 of u.Here are some of my dedications to 3 of u.
XC-Hope you work hard in studies in NUS and take care when u r back there!And appreciate ur bf ok..u can do it.
Li en-keep the cute and lame genes inside ur chromosome always!Looking forward to listen to ur lame jokes again.
Sook onn-Don't disappear again ok?Keep in touch with us,you know i am always here and i meant it!


Anonymous said...

i miss sok oon...
a lot lot lot lot lot...

Anonymous said...

i miss her oso..
she got slimmed down ler..:)

Anonymous said...

wow, the clam seems nice yea~
u recently walk 贵妇路线?

always taste nice food yor~

Anonymous said...

ya..ysy she is walking this 路线

Anonymous said...

she prefer miss "thousand gold" style...

Anonymous said...

only moku will noe what style nie will walk

Anonymous said...

li:u know sook onn also?how come?

ysy:what what what,my friend wanna eat so i eat la!Takkan i said,dun wan?But the clam DAMN NICE!

meiyan:wat lerr...u din support me 1..

sokteng:omg..thousand gold..u know also..-.-