Saturday, April 11, 2009

What a week

Ahhh..i just realised that i havent been updating my blog for more than a week!

So for the past one week..just to list down and summarise what had just happened.

  • Our 5th Prime Minister had just resigned and Najib is taking the responsibility to be the 6th PM!Another thing is,our 5th PM had just upgraded to be Tun Abdullah Badawi.I just knew this one day after!Oh mi gosh..

  • Just finished my midterm examination.Tons of assignments on the way..

  • Went for 2 movies in a week!"Friday the 13th" and "Fast and Furious 4" with my babe girls and my egg tart.And also Kim yoong the boss.It's been so long since our last movie babe!

  • Fix my SLK 850--Small Little Kancil EX850 la.My car only can run 140km PER TANK!!Which is very very horrible cause it's supposed to run slightly 300km.Can u imagine it's only half tank and i have to pump fuel more than others?

  • Rain and rain and rain nonstop these days especially in the afternoon or in the evening.Sigh...i always have mood swing whenever there is rain pouring outside..

  • Bought a beautiful ribbon clincher through online boutique,and went shopping with Ke Shin in One U after News Reporting midterm exam.Shopped till i dropped without knowing that time flies..

What a week..dull and bored.Although I am pampered and showered with laughter,love and joy,still feeling empty deep down my heart...

What's wrong?


Anonymous said...
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Jan said...

well, maybe you need sth else!!
like going for some crazy stuff...try to make ur life colourful my dear...

buibui said...

LETS do some crazy shit then XD

Li said...


winnie said...

jan:I wish too..but daily routine doesnt seem to allow me to do so..for now.

buibui:What u wanna do oo buibui?
