Friday, May 23, 2008


My dear friends,

Having 3 weeks holidays..but I am now working as a part time Vono mushroom soup different places.

So i wont be able to blog too often these days my dear friends!

Just be patient and wait for my return..and i will blog more like before..


Coming up next is my Melacca trip.Stay tuned!

Melacca is fun.


Jade W. said...

mushroooooom girl....dont forget leave friday out ar, got tuition. aihh..i damn dulan my boss edi! argh!

Anonymous said...

so im mokunana then u will b mokunie?
take care

winnie said...

jade:yea i read ur blog,read my comment though.

sokteng:YA,we are moku er ren zhu,mokunana n mokunie..=)

Anonymous said...

i luv mushroom soup
i got try this brand's mushroom soup before

Anonymous said...

mei yan...u reali taste tat brand be4? lolx..
mokunana nicer ormokunie nicer?

Anonymous said...

haha..mokunie sounds like mushroom taste coleslaw..蘑菇泥o.O