Friday, May 30, 2008

Where is our time?

Time really flies..

It's going to be June in 1 more day..


Half of 2008 is here now..

Do whatever you want when you are still young now..

Don't delay..

Don't procrastinate..

Don't regret..

Don't look back....


Thursday, May 29, 2008

To Li-wei

Your Double Ds Day is here (Do or Die),

Now and today onwards.

Keep the chilling spirit ON,

Dun be nervous,dun be afraid,and stay calm,

After so many chilling sessions,

I'm pretty sure it can make u to feel better and focus in the exam.

Don't waste the chilling time we spent k? *laughss*



Looking forward to 9th of june babe...the end of your war =(

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Pheeeew.Tired.Had been working for 6 days.Anyway,this is the melacca trip post i promised to blog.Read it,treasure it.

Having cousins around is fun.2 weeks back we just organised a trip to Melacca.I can tell you,Melacca now not only has the boring Red House,but a lot of different and newly built entertainments as well!
GO TO MELACCA NOW.You wont regret,except the big hot sun.
10 of us.Reached there in the evening.
For the first day:
  • Seafood (the clams sucked!They are not fully cooked.Yuckss!Unlike the clams in Italiannies.)
  • Clubbing (but went into uncle's type club.Shit)
  • Yamcha
  • Actually planned to go to watch car drifters outside a stadium.But they were not there.

For the second day:
  • THE VERY FAMOUS 牛腩面(2nd branch in PJ)
  • Red house
  • Boat riding NEW
  • Menara Taming Sari tower NEW
  • Cendol eating
  • Shopping in Dataran Pahlawan
  • Jonker Walk
  • Camwhore in front of the small ferris wheel and the blue bridge NEW
  • Satay Celup
  • 泡溫泉﹗﹗﹗ NEW!!!
i like this photo.Thanks to Li's sunglasses from taiwan.I looked cool XD
Like this too!My bro quite pro in taking artistic photo man.
8 of us.Wooden wheel in front of the river.They are making this place to look like Viena.

Boat riding.5 ringgit 2 ways ride.
Me and my entao cousin,Boon Hong.Cendol time.

This is the Menara Taming Sari tower.It is new.Only 10 ringgit once.It can take up to 66 ppl each time.The whole seat will turn 360 slowly when it goes up.You could have the scenery and view of Melacca.Cool.

How cool it is.That is the big SHIP.

Camwhoring time.Nice nice nice?Couldn't believe this is Melacca right.

My funny cousin bro,Ricky.Satay celup time!!!

For the third day:
  • DIM SUM (super cheap!oni RM1.80 per plate.In KL?sorry...)
  • Tan Kim Hock products.Tan Kim Hock himself was there o.O
  • If you still remember Sejarah,we went to Malaysia's first chinese temple,青雲亭,and other temples too.

That's all about my 3 days trip to Melacca!We actually had many plans incomplete.Dear friends,go to Melacca one day.You will get NEW experience!!
GTG.Sleeping time.Will be working in Celebrity Fitness in One U tomorrow.Goodnight.

Monday, May 26, 2008


Before going to work as a mokunie [teng named it :) ] again in a short while..

I wanna say THANKS to that particular person,

Who played some nice guitar songs to me as my belated birthday present last night,

As promised 1 year ago,

Thanks to your More Than Words,彩虹 and so on..

I truly appreciate it,

THANKS again.

Glad to have a friend like you!


Friday, May 23, 2008


My dear friends,

Having 3 weeks holidays..but I am now working as a part time Vono mushroom soup different places.

So i wont be able to blog too often these days my dear friends!

Just be patient and wait for my return..and i will blog more like before..


Coming up next is my Melacca trip.Stay tuned!

Melacca is fun.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


They are back in KL!Most of the local/private universities now having break and most of them are back here from sabah,penang,singapore!

So last friday Xiao Chen the siu lai lai,Li En a.k.a Zan Leh Un,Sook Onn who disappeared-last-year and me decided to have a small gathering at One U.Others are not free to join so end up only 4 of us.It's good to meet them again after a long time.

For the 4 of us,we were the loudspeakers in class during form 6 school time.I used to have a group of 4 crazy and sweet close friends during form4/5 too.I appreciate our friendship from both of these crazy gangs very much.

Sook Onn and me.We had our lunch at Italiannies.She slimmed down a lot and looks nice.Sook Onn was my favourite "neighbour" since lower 6 to upper 6.She sat beside me and we used to talk a lot about many things in class.She really is a good listener and good advisor.You wont get bored to talk to her because she was born to be a JOKER.She knows many things as well!I really appreciate her and i used to be very down when she "disappeared" last year.

Xiao Chen and Li En used to sit in front of me and sook onn during form 6.They are very very talkative.Both of them are very smart and excellent in studies.The 4 of us always talk nonstop in the class,kepoh-ing,gossiping,teasing,giving supports to each other.BUT we sometimes get caught talking by Mr.tan seng wah and Maths teacher.Miss those days man.. XC is studying in NUS now while li en is in UPM.

The drinks we ordered.Nice colour combination.The bread.

Food in Italiannies is so tasty and yummy.We ordered a combo set.While waiting for food,we talked nonstop again,about studies,love life,boyfriends,diet,family etc etc..

Nice pizza!

Ouuuuh this is greaaat!People who hate seafood like me,started to love seafood very much now..go try it,you wont regret..

Can you imagine the 4 of us spent few hours in Italiannies?We noticed that many people who came in later than us,stepped out earlier than us.I don't mind,because i really do not know when will be our next gathering again after this.Better talk and chat more if there is a chance!And of course,photosss!
After lunch,we went shopping.Call us shopping queens because we didn't realise that it's already 6 something when we finished shopping!But we had a lot of fun and i really treasured the time we spent together.
Went home happily after shopping.It's great to meet the 3 of u.Here are some of my dedications to 3 of u.
XC-Hope you work hard in studies in NUS and take care when u r back there!And appreciate ur bf ok..u can do it.
Li en-keep the cute and lame genes inside ur chromosome always!Looking forward to listen to ur lame jokes again.
Sook onn-Don't disappear again ok?Keep in touch with us,you know i am always here and i meant it!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Sleepless+Funny night

Sleepless usual..Chatted with babe li-wei and babe usual..

Then i chatted with one of my college friend too..He is called Kent,he looks like WU BAI + XIAO JING TENG..

He then on his webcam and chatted with me..with all his funny and cute look in different motion designs!SO..i printscreened it..*hahahhhaha*

~wolf KENT~

~sunny KENT~

~overlapped KENT~
Then he said that he is hungry,i replied me too.WHAT HE DID? He took a packet of Maggi instant noodles and showed it happily in the webcam to me!
Grrrrrr....very hungry now....
Anyway..just a random post about this funny cute gentleman KENT.
Why do i say that he is gentleman?--He will open the door to let everyone out from a place.He is the last person to come out.
He is very talented in CHEONG K too.He can sing.VERY WELL!He likes Jay chou's songs.
That's it.Goodnight everyone.

Friday, May 16, 2008

*I am 20*

I am finally 20 now!I wanna say a big big THANKSS to everyone who made it an effort for my matter you sms-ed me,you celebrated with me,you called me,you MSN-messaged me,you comment me in friendster and facebook,thanks!

I can say,this is my most memorable birthday so far!**Thanks again**

Thanks--to my 15+ college mates!Thanks for organizing this birthday party in MSN *laughs* while we were supposed to study hard for our final!I had my first time clubbing in Scarlet.First time having Tequila.First time hanging out til early morning with you all.You all are wonderful..

Thanks--to William,thanks for DUI LAM-ing me in the club,and yet i was dizzy but still awake!

Thanks--to the gals for the lovely bear,BIG colorful lollipop,keychain and manicure thingy!=)

Thanks--to everyone there who drank with me!

Thanks--to my Chilling gang!=) I had my first Italiannies,first flaming lamborgini!Although some babes couldn't come to my birthday celebration,some not around some busy some in overseas,it's ok,i was damn happy ed!Cause having you all around is the happiest thing in my life.

Thanks--to Angel and Kelvin to come so far to celebrate with me.

Thanks--to Chin who bought me a present because at first she thought she couldn't attend my celebration,so she bought it to me.I love the bag!

Thanks--to Li-wei,Wey,Alex and Richard to continue second round with me in Sanctuary.

Thanks--to Alex who asked the DJ in sanctuary to wish me happy birthday while clubbing halfway.

Thanks--to the babes for the eye shadow and the legging.thx thx.

~me with the gay partners-Alex and Richard lame head~

~me lan si-ing~

My favourite album cover~the lovely hottttt girls of the night~

~the sweet couple..all the best in UK,Kelvin!Thanks for coming~

~All of us outside laundry~

~the flaming lamborgini!Seriously I was nervous that time~

~me after drinking the lambo~still sober~

Thanks--to Kok Hong and Guan Chyau who brought me out to have A&W birthday eve! =) I will be alone at home without their invitation for my birthday!!THANKS!The food was nice..

Thanks--to my cousins in Wong Kok ss2.I celebrated with 1 of my cousin's friend as well.Same month same day same birthday!

~my cousin baked it herself.Our name were there~

~me with my big head brother~
Thanks--to EVERYONE who sms-ed me!thanks..i feel blessed..
Thanks--to those who sms-ed me from overseas too.Thanks Jmin Keat,Babe Teng.
Thanks--to EVERYONE who wished me in Friendster,MSN and Facebook.
Thanks--to my Babe Teng*luv luv* and Jern Hei who called me from Australia for the birthday wishes! =)
Thanks--to Kok Hong who voice messaged me with his WARMEST and SOFTEST voice on earth in birthday song.I CRIED!
Thanks--to Ah bian and my college friends who sang birthday song to me in phone call.
Thanks--to Li en,Sook Onn and Xiao Chen for the bed sheet it!
Thanks--to Luen Hong and Nick for the wishes.
Thanks--to my Daddy for the Levis Jeans!
My quote of life---"I AM NOTHING WITHOUT YOU ALL!"

Saturday, May 10, 2008

happy birthday to you

Nothing much,


Take care in russia..and work hard in studies.

All the best.


































Wednesday, May 7, 2008

time flies..

Time really the time when i blogged that i have finished my philosophy final there is another final test coming very very soon..which is tomorrow..


Think about it..i only have 6 more days to finish my 19 years and to be a member of 20 years old club!

Gosh.After 6 days i will be calling myself "I'm 20 years old now"to the people who ask about my age..the number of 2 doesn't sound sweet to me!

Wil try my best to enjoy everything in my last 6 days..

To-do list:

  • Study hard for final exam tomorrow..?
  • shopping
  • cheong k
  • do something beneficial like..exercise
  • meet up with form 6 mates,NS mates,Kepong Gang,primary mates....etc
  • ROCK CLIMBING!!!i wish to do it i duno why..can someone do it with me?

So my friends...did you realise is already May of 2008 now?

What have you done so far?

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


My philosophy final exam is finally over,unless i fail.Luckily i was still able to write ALMOST everything out from my brain NONSTOP within the 2 and a half hours.

Totally mad.Totally crazy.Right hand is so tired and painful til i dun think it's mine.Let's pray that i could pass.Let's cross our fingers.






天快亮 舍不得这机舱
在拥挤的机场 风一样
有否我期待的 一个你
忘记你说你会继续 还是要结束
等得太久不想继续 也不愿结束
他是谁 在拥抱的是谁
我没有太伤悲 我以为

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Coffee art

2 final exams coming next monday and thursday.Stressed out..View through my mail and found out my favourite coffee.You would not know how much i love coffee..

So here i am to share it with you all..enjoy the coffee art,and let it brightens up your day!

Alright..let's get back to studies..